Prophecy Child of Earth Rhapsody Book 2 Elizabeth Haydon 9780812570823 Books

Prophecy Child of Earth Rhapsody Book 2 Elizabeth Haydon 9780812570823 Books
Looking for an epic fantasy with optimism and positivity, friendship, adventure and camaraderie? With witty banter, great humour, characters who are resilient, brave and likeable? Look no further than this book and the rest of the Rhapsody book series. These books are worth reading and rereading, and are a bonus for anyone who wants a story with a kind hearted female protagonist who is passionate about music and uses music to change things for the better.
Tags : Prophecy: Child of Earth (Rhapsody, Book 2) [Elizabeth Haydon] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In Rhapsody</i>, a fellowship was forged-- three companions who, through great adversity, became a force to be reckoned with: Rhapsody the Singer; Achmed the assassin-king; and Grunthor,Elizabeth Haydon,Prophecy: Child of Earth (Rhapsody, Book 2),Tor Books,0812570820,Fantasy - General,Achmed (Fictitious character: Haydon),Fantasy fiction,Fantasy fiction.,Grunthor (Fictitious character: Haydon),Rhapsody (Fictitious character: Haydon),Fantasy,Fantasy - Epic,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction Fantasy Epic,Fiction Fantasy General,epic fantasy; epic fantasy books; fantasy books for adults; fantasy books; books fantasy; fantasy series; best fantasy books; fantasy fiction; science fiction fantasy; epic battle fantasy; best fantasy series; best fantasy novels; modern fantasy; fantasy novels; fantasy book series
Prophecy Child of Earth Rhapsody Book 2 Elizabeth Haydon 9780812570823 Books Reviews
Noticeably written by a woman, for some long pieces of mushy, but otherwise very clever and a great read. Husband and I read it together and we are eager for the next!
I enjoyed Rhapsody-- gave it 4 stars-- and did my best to enjoy Prophecy. In fact, I did like it; hence a 3 star effort.
However, I was unable to get over a couple of issues I had with the first book that were not addressed in the second; or that were not quite as good in the second.
For example, if you loved Grunthor in the first book; be prepared to be disappointed. He's just not *present*.
Second, if you liked Gwyddion (or Ashe), be prepared to say, at the end of the book, "what" ? Suffice it to say, that I nearly tossed the book out following the "pearl of no memory" scene. Rubbish. Not the discussions (or the implicit outcome), but the explicit outcome? No memory? What is this, the Bobby "all of last season was a dream" Ewing from Dallas those many years ago redux?
And even Achmed, who I admittedly loathe, was reduced in plot scope, and into an obvious bowl of silent, lurking, but emotionally quivering jelly for Rhapsody. I mean, if there's anything that Achmed is, it's the antithesis of Rhapsody. As selfless as she is, he is selfish. But no, I'm wagering that instead expanding the character scope to bring Achmed someone himself... the author will keep the scope limited.
Finally, and most startlingly, I never felt the characters-- outside of the ancillary ones like Ashe and Jo-- were in danger. It was like 3 super(wo)men with no Kryptonite in the universe.
Hence, while the book was a good read, it didn't really thrive on any front it annoyed me that the intro that so enthralled me in book 1 is *still*, to a degree, left ludicrously open; it annoyed me that the characters who I loathed, but enjoyed reading, in book one were unloathable in book 2 (and that's a bad thing); it annoyed me that the romance, perhaps explicit, lead to nothing; it annoyed me that a book that could've been one for the ages just didn't quite hit the notes for which it was trying.
Bottom line if you liked booked one, get book 2. If you were so-so on book 1, don't.
As for me, will I read book three? I own it, so someday. Perhaps when the pearl of "no memory" is returned to me.
I'm headed for book 3. Rhapsody finds her true love but then must have her memory erased She heads out to find the f'dor without the memory. On to 3 to find out what happens .
Prophecy Child of Earth
This trilogy has gotten a lot of good praise and so it is hard to write something not redundant. As I have said before, you will NOT glean any specific plot lines, or characters from this review. What I try to do is indicate whether or not this author and tale is worth your time and money.
This series is unique, in my experience, in that the interleaved within the in tire plot lines, characters, and events is a musical base, of which I found fascinating. Also I thoroughly enjoyed the numerous songs and poetry. Each of these books made me laugh out loud, and cry at times.
This is the second part of the epic tale and as such gives you further insight, and understanding to the cast of characters introduced in the first book. I definitely felt that this book has a purpose in the trilogy and was very pleased that there are NO "cliff hanging" scenes at end of each part. Each book tells a portion of the over all epic tale, but is complete within the parameters of that part.
Prophecy also proves that Rhapsody was NOT a flash in the pan (sorry for the cliche). I found my self totally absorbed in the characters and plot lines and found nothing missing in the quality and effort compared to the first book
If you have not already read Rhapsody, you could read this first, as it is pretty much stand-alone. BUT WHY WOULD YOU! You would just get Rhapsody, read it, and kick yourself.
I got the impression that the author went an extra 10 miles in doing her homework for this series and in keeping it consistent. Bravo, I say.
In summery, this book has made up my mind to purchase all the hardback copies (this is something because not only am I old, but I am old and cheep). I am excited about this author, and look forward to reading the last book of this trilogy plus anything else she writes.
the first book is the best. I did read this series before, in hard cover many years ago. the re read had me turning many pages, skimming the filler pages. the story is the on going theme nothing new here. and there is a third book before you finish. I do love that Raps connects to her true love, but again the story goes on and on and on; saying the same thing over and over. not much of a mystery either.
perhaps it is best read as a first time read.
by the way I just could not bring myself to read the third book again. bored out of my mind by that time.
This series is one of my favorites, but it seemed fate didn't want me to read it. I actually lost this book 3 times and had to buy new copies before I could finish it. This book picks up right after the last one and reveals even more pieces of an incredibly intricate puzzle to the reader. The characters all develop as they attempt to adapt to their new roles in this world they have only recently entered. The contrast of Rhapsody's character with Achmed and Grunthor make the book all the more entertaining.
One thing I would really like to warn people about is that this series may not finish! Ever since the publishing of her last book in 2009, it seems Elizabeth Haydon has dropped off the face of the Earth. So if you're looking to read a whole series, you might just want to wait and see if she releases the next few books.
I only have one question Where are you Elizabeth Haydon?!?
Looking for an epic fantasy with optimism and positivity, friendship, adventure and camaraderie? With witty banter, great humour, characters who are resilient, brave and likeable? Look no further than this book and the rest of the Rhapsody book series. These books are worth reading and rereading, and are a bonus for anyone who wants a story with a kind hearted female protagonist who is passionate about music and uses music to change things for the better.

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