Lost It Kristen Tracy Books

Lost It Kristen Tracy Books
"Lost It" is clearly about the innocence of a teenager. But, on top of the whole sex thing... it's also about losing your mind, losing your clutch on reality, losing your best friend, losing your sense of self.Tess Whistle is a junior in high school. She opens her story with telling you that she lost her virginity to Ben (the new guy in school) after knowing him for only four months. She totally surprised herself with how quickly she fell in love with him because from the start, she firmly believed she would wait until she was married- or atleast engaged (as most of us start out hoping). Then, she tells the background of what happened before and during- and circles around again at the end.
Tess lives in EastBum (expletive) where there are constant worries about avalanches, hitting a moose on the highway, getting attacked by bears and wolves or having airplane pieces land on top of your house.
The characters are very strong. Each has their own personalities and they stay true to their characters in the conversations and reactions throughout the story.
-Ben is a pure gentleman who has a few secrets of his own that he keeps rightfully to himself. He is handsome, smart, encouraging, gentle and still passionate at the same time. It's obvious why Tess falls for him almost immediately.
-Zena is obnoxious yet sweet, insightful yet oblivious, and sometimes too smart for herself. I would want a true best friend like her too. A once-in-a-lifetime friend through and through.
-Grandma is spunky, funny, smart, old-fashioned yet also very up-to-date on buying things like thongs and bras. She teaches Tess how to string a man along just enough to get him interested (because nobody likes spoiled soup in their laps). She is one of the most vivid characters in this book and I love her.
-Minor but strong characters: Mom and Dad Whistle. They are in the book briefly but then lose pieces of their minds when running across a few states to go on a few months' expedition to rock climb, leaving Tess home alone until her Grandma flies in from out of state to take care of her. Even though they are only in the book through glimpses in the chapters, they are still strong characters.
Even though this sounds a bit heavy... Tracy keeps it really light! It's so easy to read that I finished it in only one sitting. I couldn't wait to find out what the next thing Ms Tess was going to say! Her outlook on the world is laugh-out-loud funny because she never seems at a loss for words. She will blurt out the most ridiculous things and because of my own warped sense of sarcastic humor... she says what I would've said- which makes me love her even more! haha.
I truly loved this book. I didn't want it to end and was hoping that Tracy wrote another book so that I could continue to read in this type of prose.
Truly an enlightening, deep, entertaining, nostalgic read. Could be a beach book, a backyard book, or a bathtub book. Really really good.

Tags : Amazon.com: Lost It (9781416934752): Kristen Tracy: Books,Kristen Tracy,Lost It,Simon Pulse,1416934758,Social Themes - Dating & Sex,Social Themes - Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance,Bildungsromans,Coming of age;Fiction.,Conduct of life;Fiction.,Girls - Conduct of life,High school students,High school students - Conduct of life,Moving, Household;Fiction.,Teenage girls,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Coming of age,Conduct of life,Fiction,General fiction (Children's Teenage),JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Social Themes Adolescence & Coming of Age,JUVENILE FICTION Social Themes Dating & Relationships,JUVENILE FICTION Social Themes Friendship,Juvenile FictionSocial Themes - Dating & Relationships,Juvenile FictionSocial Themes - Friendship,Moving, Household,Social Themes - Adolescence,Social Themes - Dating & Relationships,Social Themes - Friendship,Young Adult Fiction,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Dating & Sex,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Friendship,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
Lost It Kristen Tracy Books Reviews
Kinda boring.
Got it for my teen ... hoping as sweet but good as Judy Blume books - my son loved "Forever"
Amazing book for me personally.
The story line is a bit slow at the start, but once you get about 50 pages in you'll be hooked! I sat down and read this book in 2 hours. I loved it. Any teen who's been in a relationship will be able to relate to this book. It made me laugh, cry, and look at myself in a different light. Most teen girls can probably relate to the lead character Tess, her humor is perfect and really lightens the mood in a serious scene. Her grandma I personally thought was the best character. Her witty sense of humor completed the book. While many people have said the book is graphic I didn't find it to be that way. It never goes into detail and it doesn't cross the line in my opinion.
Great book you won't regret reading it =)
i always look for the romantic comedy teen books because im a teen myself and i chose to read this book and i defiantly dont regret it. it was funny and embarrasing at some parts... i felt like i was experiencing everything the main character did which tells u that kristen tracy is a great writer. i would recomend this book to anyone looking for a laugh or just looking to read a first love book.
Her voice is unique and quirky. She created some great characters.
I loved that there was a great love story, but that wasn't the main focus. It was at times, but while reading I knew the book was about a lot more than that.
I'd recommend it to MOST people I know.
How can you resist a guy with a nice ass and a best friend who's determined to blow up a poodle?
WHEW. i sat down with this book intending to start it before my next class. i turned out skipping my child dev. class and reading the whole thing. it fantastically and originally describes a girl's slow decent into a obsessive girlfriend. her family and friendships fall apart and she clings to the only stable thing in her life- her boyfriend. as unhealthy as her bf-gf relationship is, she needs it because its the only thing she finds she can believe in.
in the end, the relationship blows up in her face, as such relationships are wont to do. and she learns and grows and i just cant tell you how good this book was!
it was almost better than Paper Towns by John Green, which in my thougths, is the best book ever written.
At around page 23 I was seriously considering returning this book... it was just too weird and random and I just didn't like it.
And yet, I wasn't putting it down. It was around page 93 where I actually started liking this book, which, I'll admit is a very long time to wait for a book to get good... but it was worth it. The randomness ties in eventually since the book starts out with the MC already knowing everything.
Lost It was a pretty good book, it's one of those books where you want to smack the characters around a few times for being so thick headed... and I don't like the way things were handled with Tess's best friend, I felt like there was a much bigger problem than the way the author portrayed it.
This book does have an open ending, which I'm pretty sure no one likes, but it's still a good book.
"Lost It" is clearly about the innocence of a teenager. But, on top of the whole sex thing... it's also about losing your mind, losing your clutch on reality, losing your best friend, losing your sense of self.
Tess Whistle is a junior in high school. She opens her story with telling you that she lost her virginity to Ben (the new guy in school) after knowing him for only four months. She totally surprised herself with how quickly she fell in love with him because from the start, she firmly believed she would wait until she was married- or atleast engaged (as most of us start out hoping). Then, she tells the background of what happened before and during- and circles around again at the end.
Tess lives in EastBum (expletive) where there are constant worries about avalanches, hitting a moose on the highway, getting attacked by bears and wolves or having airplane pieces land on top of your house.
The characters are very strong. Each has their own personalities and they stay true to their characters in the conversations and reactions throughout the story.
-Ben is a pure gentleman who has a few secrets of his own that he keeps rightfully to himself. He is handsome, smart, encouraging, gentle and still passionate at the same time. It's obvious why Tess falls for him almost immediately.
-Zena is obnoxious yet sweet, insightful yet oblivious, and sometimes too smart for herself. I would want a true best friend like her too. A once-in-a-lifetime friend through and through.
-Grandma is spunky, funny, smart, old-fashioned yet also very up-to-date on buying things like thongs and bras. She teaches Tess how to string a man along just enough to get him interested (because nobody likes spoiled soup in their laps). She is one of the most vivid characters in this book and I love her.
-Minor but strong characters Mom and Dad Whistle. They are in the book briefly but then lose pieces of their minds when running across a few states to go on a few months' expedition to rock climb, leaving Tess home alone until her Grandma flies in from out of state to take care of her. Even though they are only in the book through glimpses in the chapters, they are still strong characters.
Even though this sounds a bit heavy... Tracy keeps it really light! It's so easy to read that I finished it in only one sitting. I couldn't wait to find out what the next thing Ms Tess was going to say! Her outlook on the world is laugh-out-loud funny because she never seems at a loss for words. She will blurt out the most ridiculous things and because of my own warped sense of sarcastic humor... she says what I would've said- which makes me love her even more! haha.
I truly loved this book. I didn't want it to end and was hoping that Tracy wrote another book so that I could continue to read in this type of prose.
Truly an enlightening, deep, entertaining, nostalgic read. Could be a beach book, a backyard book, or a bathtub book. Really really good.

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